Exam Oriented Pocket friendly Mcq Questions - Free MCQ

Question:. 1 #rq-11
Find the odd one out
Question:. 2 #rq-12
Find the odd one out
Question:. 3 #rq-13
A valuer, while respecting the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of performing professional services, shall maintain proper working papers for a period of _______.
Question:. 4 #rq-14
Find odd one out in relation to not an instrument of monetary policy?
Question:. 5 #rq-15
Identify the tool of Fiscal Policy
Question:. 6 #rq-16
In case of …...the provisions of 'Transfer of Property Act, 1882, also applies for moveable propery
Question:. 7 #rq-17
The provisions of Section 233 for fast track merger are not applicable on
Question:. 8 #rq-18
The example of revocable transfers are ___________
Question:. 9 #rq-19
In reference to Indian Stamp Act, the term 'inter vivo' means
Question:. 10 #rq-20
The dividend decision is concerned with