Terms and Conditions

Effective from January 1st, 2023

Our mission is to handhold aspirants looking forward to pass out ‘Registered Valuer Exams’. SEBI has mandated NISM to conduct exam for ‘Registered Valuer’. Out object is to enrich knowledge bank of the aspirants intending to appear in ‘Registered Valuer Exam’ and provide them opportunity to practice through vary small set of questions. 

Table of Contents:

1)    The Contract

2)    The Members & Visitors

3)    The Eligibility

4)    The Password Secrecy

5)    The Payment

6)    The Notices & Messages

7)    The Sharing

8)    The Confidentiality

9)    The Rights

10)    The Service Availability

11)    The Limits

12)    The Intellectual Property Rights

13)    The No warranty

14)    The Exclusion of Liability

The Contract

Before you start using information, documents, services or any other content you need to agree to all of the terms and conditions. Your use of information, documents, services or any other content is also subject to other policies. You agree that by registering, accessing or using information, document, services or any other content you enter into a legally binding contract with ‘Thirdwall Createch Private Limited’ If you do not agree to enter into a legally binding contract with ‘Thirdwall Createch Private Limited’, then you shall neither register nor access or otherwise use any of the service available at this web portal. If you wish to terminate this contract at any point of time then you can do so by closing your account and stop accessing this web portal. 

This contract applies to each information (whether paid or free) and also to other contents offered through this web portal. Registered users of information, documents, services or any other content are “members” whereas unregistered users are “visitors”. This contract applies to both Members and Visitors. You are entering into this contract with ‘Thirdwall Createch Private Limited’, India (hereinafter referred as ‘Thirdwall Createch’).

This contract applies to members and visitors in reference to any content available through this web portal and also in reference to collection, use and sharing of your personal data which is part of basic information that may be used by www.registeredvaluermcq.com 

Members and Visitors

When you pay membership fee and register, then you become a member. If you have chosen not to register for any content then you may access certain features as a “Visitors”. Changes to the contract are inevitable. Contract may be modified from time to time. Amended Contract will be uploaded from time to time and changes will be effective from prospective date. 

If you object to any change then you may close your account. Your continued use of information, documents, services or any other content means that you are consenting to the updated terms.


You need to assure that you are (i) eligible to enter into this contract; (ii) you are not minor on the date of becoming member; (iii) You can have only one registration which will be in your real name.

Creating an account with false information and registering an account on behalf of others is an act of civil as well as criminal offence resulting into initiation of suitable action.      

Password Secrecy

You agree to keep your password a secret and shall not share this account with anyone else. You agree to: 

i.    Choose a strong and secure password.

ii.    Keep your password secure and confidential.

iii.   Not transfer any part of your account.

iv.   Follow the Law.


Presently, elementary access to web portal is free. Rest of the content is under paid category and additional paid contents will be uploaded in dues course of time. Payment mechanism is in place. You need to understand the tax implications as well. If you buy any paid information, documents, services or any other content, then you need to fulfill payment obligations. Access to such sections will not be given without payment.

Notices and Messages

You are okay with notices and messages which may be sent through web portal or any other tool. Kindly remember to update your contact information from time to time. If your contact information is out of date, you may miss out on important notices.


You are expected not to share downloaded information, documents, or any other content with others. Whereas the information, documents, services or any other content shared by you may be shared freely or selectively with others.


The information, documents, services or any other content shared on this web portal shall be treated as confidential. Sharing with others or use for commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. You can use information, documents, services or any other content for your professional/personal learning purpose or capacity building.

Rights and limits

You continue to own all the personal information which you have shared with us. But at the same time, you also grant a non-exclusive license to use it. You promise to only provide information, documents, that you have the right to share. The feedback or intellectual contents whether paid or otherwise will be owned by the Thirdwall Createch and you shall take permission before sharing that on social media or otherwise.

Services and Availability

Any information, documents, services or any other content may be withdrawn or discontinued; or may change from free section to paid section or vice versa; or may be suitably upgraded, updated or modified prospectively at sole discretion of owner of web

portal. These changes may be effective from any prospective date as may be decided. There is no promise to store or keep showing any information, document or any other content that you’ve posted.


Your right to connect and interact on this web portal is limited to extent of sole discretion of web portal owner. Web portal owner owe no explanation to you. 

Intellectual Property Rights

This shall be treated as notice of Intellectual Property Rights. Using the information, documents, services or any other content does not give you any ownership in our information, documents, services or any other content made available through this web portal. Trademarks and logos used in connection with web portal are the trademarks of their respective owners or owned by this web portal.

No Warranty

This is disclaimer of legal liability for the quality, safety, or reliability of information, documents, services or any other content. The web portal owner is not responsible for any damage physical or reputational due to usage of any data taken from this site.

Exclusion of liability

To the extent permitted under law and unless Thirdwall Createch has entered into a separate written agreement that overrides this contract, Thirdwall Createch and its affiliates (and those that Thirdwall Createch works with to provide the services) shall not be liable to you or others for any direct or indirect; incidental or special; consequential or punitive damages; any loss of data, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues in relation to any document/information/services or any other content hosted on this web portal. 

In no event shall the liability of Thirdwall Createch and its affiliates (and those that Thirdwall Createch works with to provide the services) exceed, in the aggregate for all claims, an amount less of taxes that is paid by member or visitor to the web portal for use of that particular information, documents, services or any other content. In other words, the legal liability towards you is limited maximum to the extent of fee minus taxes paid by you for paid services & zero for free information, documents, services or any other content availed from this web portal. 
